11 boxes of pasta...
As a general rule, I work from home on Mondays. I don't need to be on campus and it helps me ease into the week, getting things done before all mayhem cuts loose on Tuesdays. Plus, I like working from home - it means I get to do laundry while I'm getting some writing done (or, in today's case, blogging). It also means that I feed myself real food, as opposed to the take out that generally keeps me alive most days (assuming, of course, I've gone grocery shopping). Which brings me to today's discovery: while making lunch (soup), I discovered that there are 11 boxes of pasta in my cupboards. That's right, eleven. For clarification, I am a single woman who lives alone with two cats (insert bad spinster joke here), so why in the world do I have 11 boxes of pasta? It doesn't stop there. I have 3 boxes of rice and 2 of quinoa. I have 2 boxes of gluten free bread mix, 4 cans of coconut, two bottles of BBQ sauce, and two bottles of curry sauces. ...