I'm back...
I just realized that I haven't posted anything to this blog in over 2 years. Ironically, my last blog post came while I was living in an apartment in southern Spain and now I am writing this from my hotel room in Malaga, a mere 60 minutes away from that apartment. The universe is a funny place sometimes...
So what has happened in the last two years? Well, both a lot and not so much. The basic update - I'm still a professor, I still love to travel, and I still can't cook. But the details have definitely changed some, such as the part where I moved to Texas (Dallas, to be exact), am finishing up another summer abroad, and have only managed to learn how to make one dish in the intervening years (well, two if you count perfecting a Pimms Cup Cocktail). So why pick up the blog again? Fair question. Let me think about it.
One thing that my moving to Texas has really underscored for me is how much I miss the people in my life that I've met over all these years - graduate school, first job, travels. I am really lucky to have such a cadre of friends and acquaintances all over the place, but it's hard to keep everyone updated all of the time. A blog helps me do that and also helps me feel more connected. After all, I can't just call every one of you each time something funny happens in my life (or when I want to have an in-depth discussion about the need for sunblock - hang out at a Mediterranean beach for a day, and you'll be ready to swim in the stuff). And it's a good way to solicit feedback, from everything on cures for writer's block, new places to travel, and how to perfect a tortilla de espanol (or, if I'm being honest with myself, how to even cook a tortilla de espanol). After all, Facebook only gets you so far.
So here comes the blog experiment, take 2. I'll do my best to update in the next few days about some of my more interesting travel adventures this summer and then try to pass on the strange things that happen in my life throughout the school year (because let's face it, sometimes my life is weird). I'm also planning the world's slowest running comeback (I haven't decided yet if that means that it will take forever or that I'll just be the world's slowest runner - stay tuned), so I'll be sure to pass on stories that will make you feel a lot better about yourself along the way.
And that's it. For now...
So what has happened in the last two years? Well, both a lot and not so much. The basic update - I'm still a professor, I still love to travel, and I still can't cook. But the details have definitely changed some, such as the part where I moved to Texas (Dallas, to be exact), am finishing up another summer abroad, and have only managed to learn how to make one dish in the intervening years (well, two if you count perfecting a Pimms Cup Cocktail). So why pick up the blog again? Fair question. Let me think about it.
One thing that my moving to Texas has really underscored for me is how much I miss the people in my life that I've met over all these years - graduate school, first job, travels. I am really lucky to have such a cadre of friends and acquaintances all over the place, but it's hard to keep everyone updated all of the time. A blog helps me do that and also helps me feel more connected. After all, I can't just call every one of you each time something funny happens in my life (or when I want to have an in-depth discussion about the need for sunblock - hang out at a Mediterranean beach for a day, and you'll be ready to swim in the stuff). And it's a good way to solicit feedback, from everything on cures for writer's block, new places to travel, and how to perfect a tortilla de espanol (or, if I'm being honest with myself, how to even cook a tortilla de espanol). After all, Facebook only gets you so far.
So here comes the blog experiment, take 2. I'll do my best to update in the next few days about some of my more interesting travel adventures this summer and then try to pass on the strange things that happen in my life throughout the school year (because let's face it, sometimes my life is weird). I'm also planning the world's slowest running comeback (I haven't decided yet if that means that it will take forever or that I'll just be the world's slowest runner - stay tuned), so I'll be sure to pass on stories that will make you feel a lot better about yourself along the way.
And that's it. For now...
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