
Well, I've succumbed and joined the world of the blogging.  So welcome to my new blog: The Nadine Scene!  The main goal of my blog is to tell everyone about my fabulous summer vacation, except it hasn't happened yet.  So in the meantime, I thought I would bore you all with the planning stages of my impending vacation, my constant struggle to break my Starbucks addiction, and my completely awful attempts at learning to cook in 2010.

Those of you who know me are probably laughing out loud at the idea of me breaking my Starbucks addiction (and cringing at the possibility that you'll be invited over for dinner sometime in the next 10 months, but that's another post).  But after some basic math, it occurred to me that the amount of money that I spent on Starbucks in a given year is equivalent to the amount of money that I'll spend on a long weekend in Portugal (or if I'm honest with myself, possibly an entire week).  Needless to say, it will buy me a lot of sangria this summer, so now I'm cutting down.  Some days are better than others; today, unfortunately, was a 3 Starbucks day (in my defense, it was really cold outside).  Hopefully tomorrow will fare better...

As for trying to cook this week; well, let's just say I haven't given myself food poisoning recently, so that's a good start.  After a couple of early mistakes (read: lemon flavored cement), I've been a little hesitant to try anything too out of the ordinary.  I just received a new cookbook though, so hopefully I'll have some more promising experiments to talk about soon.

And there you have it - the beginning of my new blog.  Feel free to play along!


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