Weekly Starbucks Count: 5

This week started off on a pretty bad Starbucks note: 3 in one day on Monday.  I don't have a really good excuse for that, except it was pretty cold.  And if you're walking around in the cold, it makes sense to have a hot drink.  How's that for rationalization?

Tuesday was a good day: 0 Starbucks.  Of course, that's only because there is no Starbucks within a 6 mile vicinity of my university.  Now, I'm sure you are wondering how a mere 6 miles could separate me from my joyous decaf grande soy latte.  That one is pretty easy; I don't own a car and I cannot make the 12 mile round trip without one.  I work in a town that can only be described as the border between suburbia and farm land (or, as I like to think of it - Deliverance country without the crazy people).  Those 6 miles are pretty much all on major highways, so I can't even walk there.  And yes, I've thought about it.  More than once.

Wednesday: 1 Starbucks.  Only having 1 Starbucks in a day is pretty good for me when I'm wandering around the city of Philadelphia.  Usually, I need one to get started, one in between whatever I'm doing, and one on my way home (see Monday).  But I had really good self-control on Wednesday and just had one.  And it was really coffee with a friend, so it doesn't really count.  The Starbucks was just in the background. 

Thursday: 0 Starbucks.  Another day on campus.  I did have a latte from the campus coffee shop.  I haven't decided if that technically counts.  Any thoughts?

Friday: 1 Starbucks.  This was another positive day for me, since I was once again walking around in a windy Philadelphia.  But I did put more money on my Starbucks card, which could potentially be a problem.  After all, it doesn't seem like real money if it's on a Starbucks card.  In my defense, I am going out of town next week (sunny San Diego!), so I am bound to have a Starbucks emergency (or seven).  So this was just insurance that I'll be able to get my coffee in the strange land of Southern California (not to be confused with the strange land of Southern Jersey, but that's another story).

And on a cooking note, I just pulled a fresh loaf of gluten free bread from the oven.  I didn't burn it or anything!  It may be the one thing that I have perfected cooking.  It's an extremely easy recipe from the magazine Living Without.  A great magazine with a stupid name, for people with serious food allergies and sensitivies.  It's a gluten free and dairy free bread.  I made it with soy flour but there are other options as well.  And it's pretty much the only bread I can feed "normal" food people that they don't complain about.  Mmmm, now I'm hungry!

Keep your fingers crossed that next week doesn't send me into a Starbucks downslide!  I'll need all the help that I can get!


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