Buen Viaje!

I'm very excited to announce that my blog is finally going to be used for its original purpose; to talk about my travel escapades.  So if you've been sitting around wondering when the heck I was going to leave already, the wait is over.  I'm flying out tonight!  Now, there has been some excitement in my world lately, so it's not exactly on schedule.  I was supposed to fly out on Friday night, in order to spend a week traveling in London and Scotland, but my dad had to have emergency surgery last week.  He's fine, the recovery is going well, and now it's time for me to hit the tarmac.

Unfortunately, this means no more London (yet).  But I'll be landing in Edinburgh tomorrow night and am looking forward to men in kilts, Nessie, and some cool castles.  Something tells me that I'll have a wonderful time, regardless of the missing time in London.  Luckily, I'm still trying to decide where to go in the beginning of August, when I'm still in Europe but no longer staying in my apartment.  So maybe I'll get my London adventure before the summer is out.

From Scotland, it's off to Malaga, where I will then head down to the coast to take possession of my summer apartment.  That's when the real fun will begin - World Cup, sangria, and runs on the beach.  And some work, of course; it really is a working vacation, honest!  I promise to post lots of pictures!

And now it's time to get ready to go to the airport.  I'm proud to say that I am only traveling with one small suitcase, one backpack, and one larger sized purse.  Not bad for 9 weeks!

Hasta la vista!


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