Welcome to Alumencar!
I've made it to Spain! After a long and harrowing journey from Glasgow, Scotland (which included a 6 hour delay, 4 hours of having my seat on the plane kicked by drunk Scottish men, frantic phone calls to the US because I couldn't figure out how to use my European phone, and almost missing the last train to my city), I finally arrived in Almunecar (in the Granada province) in the middle of the night, tired, hungry, and thoroughly confused. Luckily, my wonderful landlord Veronica met me and after showing me the apartment, decided she couldn't send me to bed hungry. So she whisked me off to the other side of town, where we had a lovely late dinner with her French neighbor Willy. We had tomato and mozzarella salad, homemade hummus, and this lovely baked cod dish with potatoes and eggs. Honestly, it was like heaven, especially after airport food!
Yesterday I decided to explore more of the town, visiting one of the major attractions: El Penon del Santo. It's a beautiful rock formation that was long ago turned into a sacred site. It's an easy walk to the top and there are beautiful views of the town and the Mediterranean. It's quite inspirational, really. Plus, it's pretty quiet up there during the siesta, so I didn't have to fight off any of the other tourists for good pictures!
I've got lots of pcitures and stories from Scotland to tell, but first, I need to go find some food! But I am having a wonderful time so far here in Spain. The weather is beautiful, the food is great, my apartment is very cozy, and I haven't insulted anyone with my lousy Spanish yet. Not a bad way to start the summer!
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